Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do you get it?

a Jesus thought...
"You don't have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. And everyone who lives believing in me does not ultimately die at all. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)

a Godly thought...
First the young man must go and sell all that he has and give to the poor, and then come and follow. Discipleship is the end, voluntary poverty the means. (p65 Bonhoeffer)

a leading thought...
Leadership is often a battle, and the fight requires courage. Having courage means that you will do what is right, regardless of the consequences. (p68 Newman)

a Dave thought...
I was in a conversation recently with a wise retired officer when the topic of leadership was brought up, and how do we know when to encourage or promote a person into a new role. This person suggested that if they "get it" then you need to do your best to make their journey as a leader as smooth as possible. I was fascinated with the simple response and questioned further, they then added that they looked for people around them who were not into controlling with policy but rather leading with vision, a risk taker who is willing to start new ventures and do whats best for the Kingdom regardless of the consequences.
So how do we know if we "get it" or not? I find it really easy in life to get caught up in the day to day matters of my role and understand more than ever that we need people who are sound administrators and can run ongoing programs effectively. But I still find that the days when I dream or discuss with others new or better ways of doing ministry are the most invigorating for me. Some may argue that it never achieves much but I believe unless we encourage those who "get it" we will still be doing the same things in ten years time but just with less people.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Darren Lamotte said...

We always need to be looking to the future and what that means for us as The Salvation Army. It was great to be able to share your special time with you on Sunday, and I can fully understand what you were saying in yesterdays blog. I owe you a great debt as if it wasnt for you somehow convincing me to go to a cell group I would still be wandering around in darkness, for this I am eternally grateful.