Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spurring each other on

a Biblical thought...
'The God of our ancestors has handpicked you to be briefed on his plan of action. You've actually seen the Righteous Innocent and heard him speak. You are to be a key witness to everyone you meet of what you've seen and heard. So what are you waiting for? Get up and get yourself baptized, scrubbed clean of those sins and personally acquainted with God.' (Acts 22:14-16)

a Book thought...
The church can be a way of living together which affirms that no-one is alone with their problems, that no-one has to conceal their disabilities; that there are not some who have all the say and others who have nothing to say; that neither the elderly nor the very young are isolated; that one bears the other, even when it is unpleasant and there is no agreement. In such a place, every member would be rich indeed. (Jurgen Moltmann)
a Dave thought...
Today I preached on Hebrews 10:24 in a couple of our services at Box Hill. As part of 'spurring each other on towards love and good deeds' I showed the Team Hoyt DVD - "I can only imagine" which left many eyes moist if you have never seen it treat yourself!
But the moment that really impacted me the most was when I asked everyone in the congregation to write down something we could do to help spur each other on. We then had the responses typed onto PowerPoint while I preached, and then we presented the responses and reflected on them as a church at the end of the service. You see for me involving and hearing what God is saying to us rather than just me is what really spurs me on.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen that film and it certainly makes one realise our need for togetherness. It also brought a tear to the eye as I watched it. It certainly speaks of love in action.