Monday, July 20, 2009

Therese Rein

a Biblical thought...
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

a Book thought...
You cannot study the Bible diligently and earnestly without being struck by an obvious fact—the whole matter of personal holiness is highly important to God! (A.W. Tozer)
a Dave thought... from The Australian
AUSTRALIA'S first spouse, Therese Rein, attends church most Sundays to take communion and enjoy "some quiet time for me", but during the week her faith inspires prayer and sometimes a song.
Religion is integral to her calling, her values. "It's fundamental to who I am," Rein reveals in one of the first interviews she has given since her husband, Kevin Rudd, became Prime Minister in December 2007.
She's opening up because she's ready to champion her causes, and who wouldn't want to advertise a spectacular 25kg weight plunge through diet and exercise.
Svelte in a soft-pink waisted jacket, Rein settles herself beside a gas-lit fire in the Prime Minister's Sydney residence.
She's tentative as the conversation turns to the "very personal" question of her relationship with God, a commitment that became unshakeable after a period of searching during her years at ANU, where she first met Rudd in 1976.
"There are two particular pieces of scripture that shout to me from the rooftops, and they are about freedom for the captive and recovering sight for the blind," she says. "They are all about inclusion, they are all about being there to feed the hungry, to visit people in prison and hospital, to house the people who are not housed.
"This is very difficult to talk about. Faith is a living thing. It's hard to put it into words. Yes, I pray. Yes, I sing, but only in private."
Rein and Rudd's regular worship in the Anglican Church is a novelty for an electorate schooled in the tradition of keeping church and state on either side of the private and public divide. Rudd's 2006 essay Faith in Politics sought to free God from conservative clutches, and a new study has confirmed that politicians of all stripes are making more mention of religion than MPs in the past.
Faith and family define the contours of Rein's life. Raised by her mother, Elizabeth, to be the best she could be, this creed also helped lift John Rein, her wheelchair-bound father, to seek out milestones and dreams often denied to permanently and totally incapacitated people.
Rein's childhood experience of her parents' gutsy spirit set her moral compass and led the young psychology graduate into vocational rehabilitation, counselling people with injuries or punctured hope towards new employment possibilities

Just a thought.

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