Thursday, May 1, 2008

Philip Smith

a Biblical thought...
'I'm sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I'm sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me.' (Acts 26:17-18)

a Book thought...
Our decision to serve Jesus should not be made in order to earn Jesus' grace, but as a response to it. (p153 Frost)
a Dave thought...
Last evening Kylie and I ventured down the road to hear Philip Smith, principal of the NY Philharmonic Orchestra with the Melbourne Staff Band. As a brass muso myself the night was certainly impressive but it was two verbal introductions that will stay in my mind.
The first was the introduction Colonel Robert Redhead gave to a favourite piece of mine, 'Pastoral Symphony'. Robert described why he wrote the piece and the fact that he was a Corps Officer at the time and discovered that his church needed the holiness of their pastors, that despite their own giftedness nothing would replace their personal devotion to God, so they needed to get on their knees. He went on to say that until we are completely devoted to God and serving Him, only then can we truly glorify God.
The second moment was when Philip gave his testimony in such a straight forward manner and challenged us all that if you have just come for the music that is good but you can go away with so much more. He asked us each to consider praying for Jesus to come into our hearts and that if we do that we will go away with so much more than just another music festival.
So for me the words outshone the music last night, but for others I'm sure they were hardly heard, nonetheless I thank God for Robert & Philip and the clear messages they portray around the world. There is no doubt in my mind that a concert with the gospel communicated clearly and authentically, by real people unashamedly devoted to Jesus, will always outshine just another slick production.

Just a thought.

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