Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bible Visualisation

a Biblical thought...
Then the Master Jesus, after briefing them, was taken up to heaven, and he sat down beside God in the place of honor. And the disciples went everywhere preaching, the Master working right with them, validating the Message with indisputable evidence. (Mark 16:19-20)

a Book thought...
Where there is genuine, unselfish caring for one another in the fellowship, there is constant overflow into the world in mission. (p34 Needham)
a Dave thought... from Chris Harrison
This project started after receiving an email from Christoph Römhild. He had compiled a list of cross-references found in the Bible and was looking for advice on how to visualize these connections. After several email exchanges and a copy of Christoph's data, I was able to produce the arc diagram below. Due to the extremely high number of cross-references, this lands more on the aesthetic side of the information visualization spectrum. Different colors are used for various arc lengths, creating a rainbow like effect. The bar graph running along the bottom shows every chapter in the Bible and their respective lengths (in verses). Books alternate in color between white and light gray.

I personally am one that loves visuals and diagrams to help us retain information. This picture above is fascinating as it shows how the bible is an amazing book that is incredibly linked and constructed even though there are so many authors involved. Maybe there was someone behind it all.

Just a thought.

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