Saturday, April 12, 2008

Youth Workers Gathering

a Biblical thought...
At that point they went wild, a rioting mob of catcalls and whistles and invective. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, hardly noticed—he only had eyes for God, whom he saw in all his glory with Jesus standing at his side. He said, "Oh! I see heaven wide open and the Son of Man standing at God's side!" (Acts 7:54-56)

a Book thought...
You are beginning to see that calling Jesus a fool actually implies that he had remarkable insight and a radical, unmistakable style. I believe him to have been a man of superior intellect who was able to cloak the impact of his wisdom with a freshness and naivety that disarmed those he encountered. (p54 Frost)
a Dave thought...
Yesterday we began our territorial Youth Workers gathering, we had a great day with 70 leaders present from 5 states. We opened the bible together, discussed how we can do our jobs more effectively, and dreamed about the future. Last night we concluded the day by attending the opening night of the Forge Grassroots Festival where Mike Frost spoke from Hebrews 5 warning us not to suffer from the disease of "dullness of the mind". He challenged us with the thought that unless all our talk ends up with positive action it is pointless. Today we will gather again at 488 Swantson Street and I pray that today we will continue to all grow in wisdom & understanding but most of all it will lead us to Godly action.

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of respect for youth workers. I was one once and even though it is a lot of fun it also is a lot of work!

Good to see that there are activities to equip and encourage such people